
Photo of Matt Brokl


Individual interest tracking


We are looking for a solution that lets us add specific interests in the profile for an individual, rather than go through each group and add in the person.  For example, Joe Smith is a new member and as part of our new member class he tells us he is interested in ushering, choir, and the young adult group.  It would be great if his profile had this info so when we search for volunteers to usher we can create a search and list of those folks and reach out to them.  

I maybe missing this in the materials but so far I have not found it.  Any suggestions or ideas?


  • Photo of Jim Michael


    There are a couple ways to handle this:

    1. Person Attributes. You can create attributes that let you store preferences on each person's record. In the simplest config you could create one attribute that contains defined values (the ministries they're interested in) chosen from a Defined Type (the "List" of all possible ministry choices. You would then use Data Views to query for this attribute to find everyone with a specific interest.

    2. Tags. You could use organization tags that put the little tag badge (one for each ministry) on a person, which is displayed at the top of their profile. A person with multiple interests would have multiple tags. To find everyone with a specific interest you would just go to that organization tag and pull up the grid containing everyone with that tag. This would only be a good option if your list of options is relatively short, since you wouldn't want the person's profile to become cluttered with (potentially) many "interest" tags.

    You can learn more about Person Attributes and tags in the Person & Family Field Guide