0 Check-in Is Not Active 3 Aaron Porter posted 8 Years Ago Aloha!We've been using Rock's Check-in for a month now and it's been great with just a few quirks. One said quirk is that every other week the Sunday 930AM schedule will not activate the check-in devices. The devices simply read "Check-in is not Active". I've check the schedules for an end date but everything seems fine (I haven't looked at anything using SQL commands, I'm a bit new to SQL in general).The workaround to this I've found is going to Check-in -> Check-in Configuration -> Schedule Builder and just pressing Save. This activates all the check-in devices and has worked both times this issue has occurred.Here are some captures of the schedule in question:I guess I should also mention that when it does find a future schedule the count down is never accurate (often reads 00:00:00).Let me know if more information would help!Thank you!