
Photo of Don Smallman


Check-In did not work today

 Hi, does anyone know why our check-in stopped working today? The server and computer dates and times were correct and no schedule changes were made.  I rebooted the server, but still could not figure out why it was not working.



  • Photo of Don Smallman


    I just changed one of the schedules that did not work on Sunday to be available/open and it worked fine.  I can not explain it, but it is working again.  Thanks for the suggestions.  -Don

  • Photo of Michael Roth


    When was the last time it worked?  

    Also any errors that you see in the logs?

    what version are you on?

    • Jim Michael

      Can you provide more detail as to what "stopped working" means? Did the kiosks not have any schedule (nothing to check into), or something else? Was it possible that the weekend service area got un-checked on the kiosks and thus they weren't even set up for check-in? Without more detail as to what you were actually seeing it will be difficult to troubleshoot.

    • Don Smallman

      Sorry. The kiosks had areas to check into, but no active schedules. However, the schedules were there and setup correctly and have no expiration date.

    • Jim Michael

      Did you verify in the schedule "grid" within check-in config that the schedules were still mapped to the areas? The only other thing I can think of is that perhaps you used the "exclude" function in the schedule to accommodate Christmas services and accidentally excluded a date range instead of just Christmas sunday?

    • Don Smallman

      Yes, i verified everything and there are no exclusions. I will setup a test schedule tomorrow and see how that works.

  • Photo of Jeff Sanders


    I found today that if you have multiple instances in Azure App Services you have to ensure ARRAffinty is enabled or check in will break.  Should add that to the installation manuals