
Photo of Casey Dierking


Checkin Error (Too Many Redirects)

Yesterday afternoon I was attempting to follow this blog post on shoulder the boulder.

It seemed like an easy enough switch to get the labels printing and cutting the way we want them to. Yesterday I was working on it, and still didn't have it working yet though. I went home for the day and came back this morning to find that our checkin link seems to be broken! It was working the day before just fine. It looks like it is in an infinite loop. 

Screen Shot 2017-01-06 at 9.59.13 AM.png

I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on how to fix this? Is there a way to just reset the checkin page? I'm guessing it has something to do with the idle redirect block. 

  • Photo of Casey Dierking


    I solved my own questions. (always happens as soon as I ask for help).

    I somehow accidentally changed the blocks and redirect for ALL layouts and not just the Successfully checked in page. This was making it redirect before I could even redirect. I deleted the blocks via ftp, which threw an error and was able to get in and change the blocks on that layout. 

    • Jim Michael

      Thanks for circling back with the answer. Just glad it wasn't my blog post that (directly) caused the issue! ;-)