
Photo of Mark Quisquirin


How can I access RockRMS Internal Website?

Hi Guys,

I have finally installed RockRMS in Azure Web App + SQL. 

Upon going through Admin Checklist, and doing upgrade to 6.0. 

The site is now redirecting to External Website. 

I don't know how to access the internal website again. 

Can you please guide me accordingly? Thanks.

Best Regards,


  • Photo of Michael Roth

    0 is one of them. What is the site name for the internal when you setup?

  • Photo of Mark Quisquirin


    Thanks Michael. I will try that. 

    i think that's my mistake. I setup my internal and external website with the same URL.

    i won't use external website for now, just the internal, because we already have our external website. 

  • Photo of Mark Quisquirin


    Thanks Michael, that worked. 

    I was able to disable my external website in CMS Configuration > Sites > External Websites, changed the Domain(s) that is not pointing to the root domain. =)