
Photo of Steve Harvey


Running Rock on Azure "Web App + SQL"

Hello Rock Community,

Recent documentation details setting up Rock using Azure, but does so by spinning up a Windows VM with SQL Database. Azure offers a web app service called "Web App + SQL" and by the looks of it, basically sets up a web server with a SQL database and gives you the ability to FTP to the wwwroot folder.. I was able to configure and install Rock on it and so far it looks good. Has anyone used this with Rock? Any limitations in using this specialized tool vs a full-blown VM? We're ready to start building the rest of the Rock features but wanted to make sure we're future-proofed here.

  • Photo of Jim Michael


    Some started with Rock using the Azure webapp, and I think the consensus was that it worked fine (performance-wise) for smaller workloads. The real problems started in 2016 when Microsoft pushed an old version of Newtonsoft that was incompatible with Rock (completely breaking every install using webapp), completely unannounced, and they were very slow to react.. if I recall it took *weeks* to get it fixed. During that time most everyone I know who was running Rock on webapp was forced to migrate to a VM, where such unanticipated changes from MS can't affect your environment. So, if you're comfortable with MS periodically breaking your site, it could still be a viable way to run Rock, but with MS's generous charity licensing of free $5000 Azure credit / year I don't know why any 501(c)3 wouldn't take advantage of that and just do a VM with all of the benefits it provides.
  • Photo of Steve Harvey



    Thanks for the insight! I think I'll just create a VM from scratch to save me from the headache down the road.



  • Photo of Dave Miyamasu


    Matthew and Jim,

    We have just launched our Rock instance (v.13.0) on Azure App Service. It has worked great, costs less and requires less maintenance than VMs.  

    I posted an idea for Rock to officially support Azure App service here: