
Photo of Don Smallman


New PodCast Module

 When I try to go to the podcast page on our website, I get "Liquid error: LavaFileSystem Template Not Found".  I assumed that it would have everything is needs to work with the demo data that it installed.

We are on V6.1 

Any Ideas? 

  • Photo of Jim Michael


    It does come working out of the box (the "Watch" menu on the external site)... at least every time I've installed v6. Sounds like the lava file the content channel block points to might be missing or corrupt. Try comparing your settings to the block on the Watch menu at and see if you can spot what's different. Note that there is not really new "podcast" blocks... it is just pages utilizing the new v6 feature of child content channels.

  • Photo of Michael Roth


    Did you change your external site to a different theme?  Go back to the original stark theme and see if the issue is fixed. If that's the case Jim Michael has you covered and in the right direction. 

    • Don Smallman

      Yes, we have a modified version of the Stark theme. I will switch back to the original and see if the issue goes away. If that is the issue, I'm not sure what to do about it, but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.

    • Don Smallman

      Awesome! I copied all of the Podcast lava from the Stark Theme to out modified theme and voilà. I am having another issue. Since we have a different font that the standard, all of the text at the bottom (The Series Summary) is not showing up.
      I can insert am image here but will add an answer so that I can upload an image. Any ideas?

  • Photo of Don Smallman


    See the bottoms are all cut off.... 
