
Photo of Darryl Williams


Family attendance not showing up after child check-in.

I am using the out of the box check-in configuration to test out the system and I can't get the family attendance to show up on the parents' profile page under "Attendance History".  The kids' records show up just fine.   I can see the parents' records when I run attendance analytics but they don't show up on the parents' profile page.  Should they?  If so, is there something that has to be configured to have child check-in update the family as well?  Thanks!!

  • Photo of Jim Michael


    The family attendance badges only show kids' attendance, from what I understand. On a child it will be their actual attendance, but on a parent it will be an average of all kids in the family. Adult attendance doesn't currently drive those badges. 

  • Photo of Darryl Williams


    That makes sense!  Thanks Jim!!