
Photo of Eddie Holeman


Rock Administrator access to view page lost

Just discovered in my Rock production environment that access is denied to Rock Administrators (and everyone else) to the New Family page.  See below.  Not sure how it got changed.  Is there a method via SQL or other to re-gain this access?




  • Photo of Jim Michael


    Eddie, that screen shot seems to be showing only Staff and Staff Like roles have a deny (unless the image is cut off?)  What happens when you access that pagemap as an Administrator and click the lock? Are you denied access to change the security?

    • Eddie Holeman

      Jim, the screenshot was not cutoff. You are correct in what you saw. What was happening is a denied access screen. But... I just went back to the page to confirm this and I have access now and the Show Auth now shows Allow for Staff Work and Staff Like work roles. When I open security on the page now, I see that the Rock Administrator role has View/Edit/Administrate allow to that page. I have confirmed that the only other person who might have touched this didn't touch it. I don't know what went on but my problem seems to have gone away.

    • Jim Michael

      Wow, that's weird indeed! The screen shot clearly shows item deny rights being applied for the two roles (so it's not an inheritance thing), but I've never seen that behavior here... keep us posted if it happens again!