
Photo of Miqueas Nieves


Checkin attendance

I successfully set up checkin and checked people in. I have two questions:

1. People pictures are not seen when checking in under name (people pictures are seen only under family checkin). Is there an option to allow people pictures under name checkin?

2. I have read reporting several times trying to setup the checkin for attendance (absent people & people checked in). I also spent three days playing with Attendance Analytics.  

 We currently have several clases for Sunday School and two weekly services at our church.

   A.  How do I set up for people absent & print results?

   B. How do I print out people  Checked in?

thank you

  • Photo of Jim Michael


    I'm not sure I can answer all of your questions, but I'll try:

    1. No, pictures are not available on Individual check-in. If you'd like this functionality please make your wishes known via

    2A: Have you tried using the Attendance Analytics and the "Pattern" option where you can look for attendance during a date range, and NON attendance during another range? I think that should work.

    2B: In Attendance Analytics, if you click the Check-In Detail button in the upper right, then drill down to your Check-In Arena, you will see a list of check-in Occurrences for that area. Click the checkbox at the far right to see/edit the attendance, and in the lower right of THAT window there is a Print Roster button. However, in order for this button to work you must first have a Word merge template created, and then you must edit the block on this page to use that template.

  • Photo of Miqueas Nieves


    Thank you very much. I will try the suggestions. I do not have any experience with Word merge template or editing a block to use with the template. I will try it. God bless