
Photo of Jason Whitehorn


How do I embed an iframe from Rock into my wordpress website? Is it actually possible?

I know that it is functionally possible to embed an iframe into my website. (Wordpress driven).  Here, however, is my dilemma.:

We haven't pulled the trigger on going to RockRMS yet.  We are testing the waters and trying to get the hang of everything first.  We want to make sure everything will function.  One of those things is to ensure that we can embed certain pages we would want from RockRMS's external website into our existing site.

To do this...we attempted to test by embedding the demo site on one of our pages.  It won't show up.  This isn't at all exclusive to ROckRMS.  We can't get to show up either...but we can get other normal sites to show up.  Therefore, the iframe functionality works...but there is something (security certificates, perhaps) that doesnt allow it to work.  

Can anyone give some guidance on this?  I can't be the only person who has dealt with this.

Thanks, in advance.

  • Photo of Daniel Hazelbaker


    Jason, it sure is. You need to add the domains requesting the iFrame to the allowed list, documented here under point 17:

    You also need to have the original rock domain listed as well (so that it can show iframes of itself), so in the case of the rock demo site if you wanted to embed it on you would need to list the following in the allowed domain list:

    (This would be the "External Site" on the demo)

  • Photo of Kye "K" Chung


    Jason - what specially do you want to embed in Wordpress?