0 Sort problem 1 Miqueas Nieves posted 7 Years Ago This lava is not sorting the FirstName. It sorts the last name very well. Also it does not include all the names in the dataview. How do I fix this? I would like it to sort the last name and then the first name. Why is it not including all the names in the dataview? I thank you in advance for you help. God bless{% person where:'Position _! "" ' sort:'LastName, FirstName desc' %} {% for person in personItems %} {% assign CurrLName = person.LastName %} {% if CurrLName != empty %} {{ person.LastName }}, {{ person.FirstName }}, {{ person | PhoneNumber:'Mobile' | Default:'No tiene Cell' }}, {{ person | Address:'Home' | Default:'-- No tiene direccion --' }} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endperson %}