0 Lava - css Telephone, address & City entity 1 Miqueas Nieves posted 7 Years Ago The telephone number, address and City are not coming out incorrectly. There is a picture of the output and the lava. I attempted to use "span" with no results.The telephone numbers are: (562) 900- 1522The numbers should be: (562) 900-1522File.jpg {% assign ord = Rows | Sort:'LastName' %} {% for row in ord %} <span class="{{ row.PhoneNumber:'Mobile' | ToCssClass }}">Label</span> <div class="apellido">{{ row.LastName }} <div class="nombre">{{ row.FirstName }} <div class="telefono">{{ row | PhoneNumber:'Mobile' | Default:'NoCell' }} <div class="calle">{{ row | Address:'Home','[[Street1]]' | Default:'NoDireccion' }} <div class="ciudad">{{ row | Address:'Home','[[City]]' | Default:'NoDireccion' }} <div class="estado">{{ row | Address:'Home','[[State]]' | Default:'NoDireccion' }} <div class="zip">{{ row | Address:'Home','[[PostalCode]]' | Default:'NoDireccion' }}</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> {% endfor %} How can I fix this output. Thank you in advance. \God bless