
Photo of Jim Hunsaker


Missing information for add new family member - External website

I am logged in on the my account page on the external website and click add new family member. I enter all the information requested and I have selected some person attributes for both adult and child in the block and entered information in those fields as well. When I save the new family member the person attributes do not save but everything else does. 

However, if I go back in and update the newly created family member and re-input the person attribute information then save it, everything is good. 

Could this be a bug or am I missing something?

  • Photo of Daniel Hazelbaker


    Hi Jim. That sounds like a bug to me. If you can file a bug report on the github project site here that would give us a better way to track it and see if we can replicate it.

  • Photo of Jim Hunsaker


    Just reported the bug on github. I also tried it on the demo site and had the same problem. 

    Thanks for the info!