
Photo of Blenda Cox


Adding attendance occurrences

I have all of my groups setup in Check-in Configuration with locations and schedules.  Check-in is working great for my Preschool and Children detpartments.  My question is for the Adult groups the we do manual attendance entry for each week. They are setup the same way as the preschool and children using the same schedules. How do I get the occurrence to automatically setup on the group for attendance posting if they are not actually using Check-In.  We are having to add the occurrence for each class each week.  Shouldn't Check-in create the occurrecence for the group when there is a schedule selected?

  • Photo of Daniel Hazelbaker


    Hi Blenda, I may have given you incorrect information. Michael pointed out that Rock actually does do this in a way on the Group Attendance page. It doesn't _create_ them, but it does give you a list of the recent dates (based on the schedule) that should have attendance recorded. You should be able to see an example here:

    (All info courtesy of Michael)

  • Photo of Daniel Hazelbaker


    Rock doesn't have "occurrences" like your previous ChMS did. An "occurrence" is a virtual concept that Rock uses based on the dates it has attendance records for.  So if there is an attendance record for "8/15/2017" then it displays an occurrence for that date too. If there is no attendance record for that date then no occurrence will show up. (Hopefully this makes sense)

    So, basically there is no way to pre-create an "occurrence" on specific dates like that.

  • Photo of Blenda Cox


    Ok, that makes sense but creates a lot of work for us.  We will have to go into each class and create an attendance date to be able to manually post attendnace.  
  • Photo of Blenda Cox


    Ok, thanks Daniel and Michael!  that is what I want it to do.  I will try using the group schedule instead of using the one connected to Check-In