
Photo of Nathan Parikh


New server - now unable to upload via File Manager

We recently switched to Azure, and now I can no longer upload files via the File Manager. Every time I try, I get the yellow warning box that says: "That Wasn't Supposed To Happen..."

I'm assuming it's a folder/file permission issue on the new server but am unsure of how to fix.

  • Photo of Daniel Hazelbaker


    Hi Nathan,

    I thought that it detected permissions errors - but maybe not. A quick test of permission error is to go to the folder (in Windows Explorer) you are trying to upload to and giving "Everyone" write access then try uploading again - Just be sure to undo that change when you are done testing. Beyond that, I think the only times I've seen that kind of issue is when there are invalid characters in the filenames (such as a "\" or something like that).

    • Nathan Parikh

      Thanks, Daniel! That was pretty much it. For anyone else in the future who has this problem, here's what I did, following Daniel's advice:

      • On the server, I navigated to C:/inetpub/Rock via Windows Explorer

      • I was having trouble uploading to the Content folder, so I right-clicked on it

      • Click the Security tab

      • For the Users group, I added the ability to Modify and Write.

      • All seems to be working