
Photo of Dan Abbuhl


loging into external website and admin side

I'm trying to figure out the best practice for allowing our staff to log into the admin side of Rock.

If you go to the external website that is ran by rock, there is a login (

Upon login, this basically gives you the area of your family/personal info.

The only way that I can log into the admin side for our staff is to go to

Is there a better way to allow my staff to get into the admin side without having to remember to add the page/3 to the domain?

I can't see any way to log into and get to the admin side.

What am I doing wrong?

Could a link to the admin side (page/3) be added to the external website?  Something like a link that said STAFF on the external website which would direct to page/3?

I want to make this as easy as it can be for the staff.

  • Photo of Jim Michael


    I think the thing you are missing is that you need two different DNS hostnames for both the internal and external Rock sites, but you appear to be accessing both sites via the same hostname. Most churches use for the internal portal, and (if Rock is taking over for your entire public website) or something like (if Rock is only going to power the "personal" public facing things like online giving, the MyAccount page, etc). 

    In either case, you need several things all configured properly to make it all work. 1. You need an A record in your public DNS for each hostname, both pointing at the same public IP address your IIS webserver is listening on. 2. You need IIS configured to "listen" for both hostnames at that IP, known as a "binding" in IIS. 3. You need to edit both sites in Rock and enter the appropriate DNS hostname in each, which tells Rock which name goes with which site. 

    Once you have it all set up, you would simply browse to and get the internal portal, and (or  to get to the public site... no need to manually go to /page/1 or /page/3 and no need for links to each site from the other. Hope that makes sense.