
Photo of Rolando Rostro


SMS not working. Frustrated with rock.

friends, I've tried everything, SMS is not working. We are kinda happy with Rock, but SMS stopped working for us and nobody seems to be able to help. does Rock offer paid support? We need a solution or else we might have to navigate away of Rock.

Just for info, twilio is set correctly, there was no change to the Sms setup, it simply stopped working.

Tried a different twilio account just in case, nothing.

tried different settings on twilio, nothing. 

Can anybody help?

  • Michael Garrison

    I will mention that if you feel that you'd benefit from more realtime interactions, you might jump into the Slack team at, though it would be good for us to come back here once we find an answer and document it for posterity =) There's no paid support for Rock, just a devoted community of other users both here and in Slack. We'll try to find an answer for you though

  • Photo of Michael Garrison


    If reinstalling Rock is a possibility for you, it sounds like a clean start may help out a few things; internal and external sites, etc =)

  • Photo of Michael Garrison



    I think I understand that Twilio was working for you, then without you having made any changes, it has stopped working. Do I have that correct?

    Can you provide us some additional info? Are you in the U.S. or elsewhere? What version of Rock are you using, and are you self-hosting, hosted in a cloud datacenter (like Azure) or paying a hosting provider?

    What part of SMS is not working; are you able to send but not receive, receive but not send, or are both not working?

  • Photo of Rolando Rostro


    We cannot seem to be able to send messages. I submit new communication, it doesnt give any errors at all. Status said message was sent. but nothing comes out. 

    There was no change to twilio setup. 

    Is there a way to see the sms message queue? Or to trace the post location twilio is sending its API call?

  • Photo of Michael Garrison


    If you are running Rock 6.9 or below, you can look in your file system for ~/AppData/Logs/TwilioLog.txt to see what messages may be logged in there. Otherwise we can turn logging back on, if you don't see that file

    Please let us know:
    - On what server you're hosting Rock (in Azure, your own private server, on a paid hosting service, etc)
    - What version of Rock you are running
    - Where you are geographically

  • Photo of Rolando Rostro


    Okay thanks for sending us something we can work on. How can we turn logging on?

  • Photo of Rolando Rostro


    Got it. changed the file, enabled logging = true, but still no TwilioLog.txt file. 

  • Photo of Rolando Rostro


    Which makes me think... is Rock posting using correctly the twilio file? How can I verify? Does this have something to do with changing the internal / external folder structure? Does somebody know what file does Rock use to communicate with twilio?

    • Michael Garrison

      The aspx file you edited is where the codes are stored and run which communicate with Twilio, if that's the answer your looking for. It communicates with Twilio using TCP connections to send data directly though; there's no intermediary file that it uploads to Twilio, for instance. The contents of the messages are stored in the database

      Have you changed the directory structure? I don't understand that part of your question

  • Photo of Rolando Rostro


    Yes did try to send multiple messages through twilio, same thing. Message says it was delivered but nothing, and no log file exists. 

    I just found out that one of our web guys here at church was messing around with the internal / external site settings. I explain... initially, we didnt intend to use Rock for its front end, so we installed it on a subdir Now later, we wanted to enable the use of Rock's functions to request photos from users, so our web programmer guy changed the internal / external settings so that the external pages were accessible through Probably after this change, we stopped receiving messages. 

  • Photo of Michael Garrison


    Please verify that the address provided to the twilio hook (at matches Rock's new address

    It would probably help if you post here the address of the webhook you have provided to Twilio, as well

  • Photo of Rolando Rostro


    it is correctly configured. 

  • Photo of Michael Garrison


    OK, I can verify that the webhook appears to be externally accessible. That's good.

    If you send an sms from your phone TO your twilio number, can you look in your Twilio Account log (on to see if the message was received and if they say they passed it on to Rock or if it failed for some reason?

  • Photo of Michael Garrison


    One other idea, check in Rock's Admin Tools -> System Settings -> Job Administration and check the last time the "Send Communications" job was successfully run. Also check Admin Tools -> System Settings -> Exception List and see if you can see any exceptions which look like they might correspond to the message failures...

  • Photo of Rolando Rostro


    Yes, everything on Twilio's side seems to be working fine. If I send text to phone #, twilio responds. I can also send messages directly through twilio's API. 

    Also, no exceptions related to communications, and the communications job seems to be running.

  • Photo of Michael Garrison


    You say that Twilio responds if you text your twilio phone number - what does it respond with?

  • Photo of Rolando Rostro


    Totally stumped. Went to Jobs Administration. Send Communications job says it ran at 9:56. Submitted a new communication. Refreshed the page, said message was sent. No errors. Go to Jobs Administration, Send Communications still says "last time run 9:56". What in heaven is going on. :-(

    • Michael Garrison

      It only runs every few minutes- communications are held until the job runs, and then are sent out.
      I know that job sends e-mails, I'm honestly not sure if it also does the SMS messages.
      So just sending a message wouldn't make it run again- the message may be held until the next time the job is scheduled to run. Check it again now and see if it's run, and/or click the play button on that row to make it run now.

  • Photo of Rolando Rostro


    Twilio doesn't respond when texting to the number.

  • Photo of Rolando Rostro


    I disabled the webhook on twilio, sent a message, replied back "Hello from Twilio!". Set it back in, no response.

  • Photo of Rolando Rostro


    Yes, manually started the communications job, nothing.

  • Photo of Rolando Rostro


    Las question, so sorry to bother you all. Normally if everything is working and you text the twilio number, the text message should go to the respond number I set up on communications sMS From number, right? So if its my phone and I text something to the twilio number, is it supposed to send forward to the other number?

    • Michael Garrison

      If you have set up a Defined Type value in "SMS From Values" that looks like this screenshot: then using a DIFFERENT phone to text your twilio number should forward the message to the phone number stored on your personal profile in your Rock installation, provided that messaging is enabled on your profile.
      Take special note of the formatting on the defined value- you need the +1 and no spaces or dashes

  • Photo of Michael Garrison


    ok, when you text the twilio number, you should be able to look at the twilio logs (on and see what happened to the message. Does it say it passed to the webhook sucessfully, or not?

    If you go to the phone number in question (on and select 'Messages Logs' you should see some activity. Please copy and paste anything from there to here that is recent.

  • Photo of Rolando Rostro


    It's okay. Actually, after setting the webhook back, now I do have a TwilioLog.txt file. It seems to be processing incoming text messages to twilio number from the webhook, but, no outgoing messages from Rock. 

  • Photo of Rolando Rostro


    f you have set up a Defined Type value in "SMS From Values" that looks like this screenshot: then using a DIFFERENT phone to text your twilio number should forward the message to the phone number stored on your personal profile in your Rock installation, provided that messaging is enabled on your profile.
    Take special note of the formatting on the defined value- you need the +1 and no spaces or dashes

    yessir. all that is set up correctly. 

  • Photo of Rolando Rostro


    it all seems outgoing messages from Rock are not processing. But its okay you've been more than helpful, I really appreciate your time and diligence and willingness to help. There seems something to be wrong in a level not typically wrong. Wondering if I should reinstall rock altogether. 
    • Jim Michael

      Any chance this is a firewall/networking issue, and Rock is having trouble sending to Twilio itself?

    • Michael Garrison

      I was hoping to try and answer that once they told me where the server was hosted. It would be an odd configuration though, to let me get a response when manually requesting the twilio ashx page, but not let traffic out. 🤔

    • Jim Michael

      Yep, would definitely be odd... but this thread qualifies as such :-) I was grasping at my network admin straws, where I know a web server accepting inbound requests is not the same as initiating an outbound request, thus the (admittedly) remote possibility that nothing is wrong with Rock, but it for-whatever-reason can't contact Twilio.