
Photo of Eddie Holeman


TransactionEntry Comment field required

In the TransactionEntry block, if I Enable Comment Entry, that Comment field is a required field.  I need this enabled so that a donor could enter "In Memory of..." or other comments associated with a gift. But making it required is confusing to the donor if they have no need for a comment.  Seems that my only other option is to not enable it.  But that means that the donor has no means to enter a comment.  Is there a way to do this?  Thanks.



  • Photo of Amber McCoy


    I am having the same problem!  I haven't found a way around the "required" part of enabling the block. 

    • Eddie Holeman

      Amber, I just modified the TransactionEntry.ascx file and now the comment field is no longer required. Perfect except that I haven't been able to find out what I might be breaking in the system by making this change.

    • Amber McCoy

      Yay! (for the workaround- not for the possible breaking of other things). I wonder if you could ask on the RocketChat #giving channel and see if anyone knows?

    • Amber McCoy

      actually it looks like they've discussed it already and several people have also done the same. It seems to be ok?

    • Eddie Holeman

      I am glad you noticed that. I had posted it a long time ago and have been too busy to get back to it. Are they saying that they simply modified that .ascx file like I did and not negative impact?

    • Amber McCoy

      I think so, I'm having trouble finding the file to edit though, I'm probably looking in the wrong place, is it under blocks?

    • Eddie Holeman

      Yes, it should be found in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\Blocks\Finance\TransactionEntry.ascx. The line you are looking for is at about line 56 and looks like this: <Rock:RockTextBox ID="txtCommentEntry" runat="server" Required="true" Label="Comment" /> Just change the Required="true" to Required="false".

    • Amber McCoy

      Apparently I have been here too long and am missing something. I am going to CMS Config > Block types > and find this one and it has a note that editing is not allowed.

  • Photo of Amber McCoy


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