
Photo of Seth Thomas


RockRMS update crash

Hello again. Thank you for all the help last week. We were able to get Winhost to restore their backup copy of our site. This morning I made a backup of our site and again began to update to RockRMS 8.0. It installed fine and I restarted. Then went on to 8.1 and it crashed. It hangs up during the install and then when I try to refresh the site I get the 'your site is being updated' message. After a while I attempted to restore the backup I created but now I get 'runtime error'. I'm in the process of contacting Winhost again to see if they can restore our site, but thought I'd ask for any help.

What software/system do you use to establish backup copies of your site and database?


  • Michael Roth

    It all depends on what you backed up. When you restored from 8.1 to 8.0 what all did you restore? wwwroot and the DB or just the DB?

  • Photo of Hock_Hin Lee


    When you get the "your site is being updated" message, you can try removing/renaming the app_offline.htm file in root of your Rock install directory.  This is a quick and easy way to check if your system before the update is still OK.  See  for more details.