
Photo of Ellyn Gaetjens


Workflow Entry Form making gender field required

Hello! Not sure if it is a bug within Rock itself but every time I try to hide the gender field in a workflow entry form, it reverts back to required! I'm getting so frustrated lol I keep selecting "hide", save the workflow, refresh the form on the site, and it still requires gender! Anyone else having this issue or know how to fix it?

  • Photo of Knolly Shadrache


    Hi I'm no expert but I've been caught a few times by the fact you can set 'required' in 2 places for an attribute:

    1. On the actual workflow attribute.

    2. On the workflow form itself

    Maybe you forgot about the first like I've done a few times?

  • Photo of Ellyn Gaetjens


    Thanks, but I didn't actually make it it's own attribute. Its only on the form. 

    We found out that it is a bug in the system.