0 Lava WorkflowActivate Parameters 4 Doug Curlee posted 3 Years Ago Team,I'm attempting to launch a Workflow using a Lava Run action type. Seems incredibly straightforward, but I can't get it to launch.In the WorkflowType 52, it's expecting four parameters: Person-SubmittingCard (PERSON)Person-CampusPastor (PERSON)VisitNumber (TEXT)Campus (CAMPUS)52 is the correct id of the workflow I'm attempting to activate and I CAN get it to activate if I use the Activate Workflow Action Type in another step with the parameters.Here's the code:{% workflowactivate WorkflowType:'52' Person-SubmittingCard:{{ Workflow | Attribute:'Person-SubmittingCard', 'RawValue' }} Person-CampusPastor:{{ Workflow | Attribute:'Person-CampusPastor', 'RawValue' }} VisitNumber:'{{ Workflow | Attribute:'VisitNumber' }}' Campus:{{ Workflow | Attribute:'Campus', 'RawValue' }} %} Activated new workflow with the id of #{{ Workflow.Id }} and name of {{ Workflow.Name }}.{% endworkflowactivate %}In the Enable Lava Commands section, I have ALL checked.Any ideas?Thanks,Doug Curlee