
Photo of Julia Schroder


Deceased People Keep Aging

Is there a way to make sure that deceased people's age stops with their death date? We have a woman who passed at age 85 but her Rock profile says she's presently 93. Help!

  • Photo of Shawn Ross


    Julia, thanks for asking this question. Rock's a bit different in that it doesn't 'store' someone's age. It "calculates an individual's age by comparing their birthdate to the current date."

    When it comes to those who have died, my recommendation is to come up with an organizational best practice. I found the Recommendations for Life Events to be a good starting point for those conversations at my church.

  • Photo of Brian Davis


    I would definitely recommend going through Shawn's links above to ensure that you've taken all of the necessary steps to update a deceased person's profile.

    I myself have always thought it odd that it showed the Age of the deceased person on the profile page. This is a bit of a hack but you can add this code to the Custom Content of the Person Bio block and it should hide the person's age and replace it with just their birthdate:

    {% if Context.Person.DeceasedDate and Context.Person.DeceasedDate != '' and Context.Person.BirthDate and Context.Person.BirthDate != '' %}


            $(".demographics").find("dd:contains('old')").text("Born: {{Context.Person.BirthDate | AsString | Date: 'M/dd/yyyy'}}");


    {% endif %}

  • Photo of Jon Edmiston


    Julia, we'll update this in core. In the meantime Brian's advice above is good (but do remember to remove it once core fixes it). Also agree with Shawn's advice above also.

  • Photo of Brian Davis


    Thanks Jon!

    As I was thinking about it I suppose one solution would be to switch the "X years old ([birthdate])" to "[Birthdate] - [DeceasedDate]" on the profile page when deceased.

    It might also be nice to have a similar transition for the "Married X yrs ([Anniversary Date])". I don't know if the "Married X yrs" calculation takes into account the deceased date but if it doesn't it might be nice to update it to do so, or switch over to showing just the Anniversary Date.