
Photo of Wesley Hewell


Trouble w/ Rock App Deployment in AWS


Our organization already has a production instance of Rock running in AWS, but I am trying to set up a (mostly) free-tier test instance. I've been able to get through most of the app deployment up to the point that I get the "Success - Flip the Switch" screen, so I can see all the files in wwwroot and all the db objects in MSSQL that are created in the installation process, but when I click "Flip the Switch" I eventually get an error saying "That Wasn't Supposed to Happen..." and I still can't access the external site or the internal login page. I double checked all the settings outlined in the "Rock Solid Internal Hosting" document so I don't know if it's the RDS instance type or the version of SQL Server I'm attempting to use or what. Does anyone have any ideas what the issue may be? 

I'm using a t2.micro EC2 instance and a db.t3.micro RDS instance running SQL Server Express edition w/ engine version 15.00.4365.2.v1. 

Thanks for your help! 

  • Michael Roth

    Hey Wesley,
    I use AWS from time to time and it works just fine. My guess is you don’t have enough power to run everything during install. I use t3a.medium as a minimum. You might want to start there and after you get everything running, you can see about lowering down. Honestly I would not recommend a micro as it would be pretty slow to do much of anything and might give you false errors. Ben Murphy wrote up an article that you might search for that came pretty close to free. Let us know what you end up doing so others searching can find your solution.

  • Photo of Wesley Hewell


    Thank you for the responses Carl and Michael! I tried only upgrading the EC2 instance to a t3.medium and still ran into the same issue, but then upgraded the RDS DB to a db.t3.medium instance as well and then it worked with no issues. It looked like it had created all the tables on the smaller instance, but there definitely could have been something missing until I upgraded it. 

  • Photo of Carl Roske


    Can you see on RDS what tables were created for Rock's database?  Does it appear to have completed that process?

  • Photo of Jeff Ward
