
Photo of Chuck Cassise


Merge Field Specific for Wife or Spouse

Is there a merge field for wife or spouse?

I would like to address both the Husband and wife by name in writing an email, instead of having them sent separate emails with their specific first name {{Person.NickName}}.  

For example: Dear "Husband's First Name" & "Wife's First Name",  so it would look like: Dear "{{Person.Nickname}} & {{Person.Spouse}}.

  • Photo of Ben Murphy


    Hi Chuck!

    There is a lava filter for this purpose. Your example is assuming there is a property on the database table of spouse, which there is not. You'd want something like this instead: {% assign spouse = Person | Spouse %} {{ spouse | Property:'FirstName' }}
    Check this out:

    The above scenario you laid out is sort of doing it manually. There is another lava filter that handles the "salutation" for both spouses. See