0 Attendance Analysis not Recording Accurately 1 Jackie Powers posted 9 Years Ago I am having a problem with the attendance analysis accurately recording the number of people checked in each week. This past week, I counted 34 students in my 1st-6th grade class, but the attendance analysis only showed 28. Every student in class had a Rock printed name tag (I personally checked) , so I know they checked in through the system. Also, I know at least 15 students were in the preschool class, but it only shows 9. The total number of students who checked in that day in all areas that use check in is only recorded as 48 (and this also adds all our babies and toddlers to the above 2 numbers). To double check these numbers, I ran a data view that applied to attendance with the field of Did Attend is True. This allowed me to see how many people actually checked in and according to this data view, we had 67 people sign in, not 48. Does anyone else have this problem or know how to fix it?