0 URL Params Persisting 1 Trey Hendon III posted 9 Years Ago I noticed something today and am not sure if it can be turned off. I'm seeing URL Params being appended to any link I click - and staying in the URL string through any subsequent clicks. For example, I clicked on the sample blog post that has the URL: http://mysite.com/page/347?Item=20 Next, I clicked on any other page in the menu nav and it's URL is now: http://mysite.com/page/359?Page=PageNum&Item=20 Has anyone else seen this? Is it going to cause me any problems? Can/Should/How-do I disable it?
Rock RMS 9 years ago Update... change made to the menu settings. Should be fixed in 3.0. The commit comment has the SQL needed to fix it in your database if you'd like it earlier. https://github.com/SparkDevNetwork/Rock/issues/790