
Photo of Robbie Funderburk


Best way to backdate contributions?

This past week we used the check scanner and recorded contributions to Rock.  The process went well other than the upload stopped at 80% so we were not sure how to restart the upload.   We finally scanned all the checks again and then deleted the duplicates.   For our first attempt with over 100 reciepts it went very very well.

Now we would like to go back and input the giving records for Janruary and February.   What is the easiest way to do this?  We have copies of all the checks but obviously we can't scan them.  Im not interested in having the images in Rock but what is the easiest and best way to enter the contributions?   We are only talking about Cash and Checks.

  • Photo of Joe Carroll


    Not sure there is an easy way.  Having entered transactions manually before we had our scanner up and running, I would be very tempted to cut your check copies into individual pieces of paper and feed them through the scanner (after adjusting the rollers to handle the thinner paper).  The software is definitely geared toward scanning items in and then matching.

    Otherwise, you'll create a batch for each week, and then add each transaction.  As you add transactions, the "+" to add the next one keeps moving down the page, so you will be tired of scrolling by the end of the afternoon.  For each transaction, you will search for the name, pick the date and then add the amount(s) for each person.   Make sure you select a date for each transaction, or the transactions will not be included in the giving statements.  If this screen was just a little smaller, then you would be able to see the Save button withouth scrolling.  After saving the transaction, I click on the batch name at the top of the screen to get back to the list of transaction and add the next one.

    I suspect that manually adding 100 items will take about an hour.

  • Photo of Jon Edmiston


    Seems like we need to add a feature to scan checks based on a specified date (defaulted to the current date).  I'll add it to the roadmap. We'll have to finish 'circling the globe' before we can jump on this, but it's a good idea.

  • Photo of Joe Carroll


    I think the main point of this thread is the manual entry of transactions.  In some cases, like Robbie's, you are entering transactions after the deposit has already been made and the actual checks are long gone.  In other cases, your church doesn't own a check scanner and will be entering transaction manually every week.  When you come back around to financial transactions, I would simply take some time to add a batch and then add 50 transactions without a scanner.  You'll quickly see where a couple minor adjustments would make a world of improvement.

    Thank you for your continued dedication to enhancing Rock.  We consider ourselves fortunate that the Rock beta was announced at the same time we were looking for a church management software product.  Looking forward to the journey.