0 Lava Syntax within Workflows 1 Adam Mosley posted 9 Years Ago I have created a workflow that will send an email to first-time guests. The workflow has a "Guest" attribute, and an action to "Set Attribute to Entity", which gets the guest's name set as the "Guest" attribute. I would like to personalize the email by saying "Hello (Guest's First Name)". I've been able to figure out how to return the guest's entire name by using "Hello {{ Workflow.Guest }}," but I can't figure out how to only return the first name or nickname. I know that in other instances, you would use {{ Person.NickName }} for this purpose, but in this case, that gives no output (probably because the "person" can't be determined). I had hoped something like {{ Workflow.Guest.NickName }} might work, but it doesn't. Is there someone out there who can help me out with this? I'm not a developer by any means and I've found myself in over my head while trying to do something I thought would be simple (which seems to happen to me often in Rock).