
Photo of Michael Garrison


Check-in label issue with 4.0 (fix included)

We've long since switched most of the check-in labels over to some custom labels we designed ... except for the "Parent Label".

So I can't answer whether it's all the stock labels or just this one, but we discovered during check-in tonight that the Parent Label was printing out incorrectly- all the codes were printing as "WWW", there was a big number 1 instead of the child's name, and the child's name was in small subtext below the number 1.

The fix: Go into the checkin labels and edit the "Parent Label". The "Code" key should be WWW, not MMM as the 4.0 upgrade changed it to. The child's name key should be 1, not 2, and you need to add a third value- the key is 2 and you can set it to whatever value you want- if I remember correctly, it was either the location or the service time.

I wouldn't be surprised if other stock labels have been similarly goofed up in their configuration, so be sure to run a few samples before counting on it this weekend!

Other than that the slightly tweaked checkin process has been quite smooth so far in 4.1! Have a great weekend

  • Photo of Michael Garrison


    See OP for the fix. Still can't seem to edit my questions after I realized this morning that I should have posted the fix separately at first