
Photo of Kent Shilts


People profile contribution summary and transactions

After upgrading to v4.1 transaction information is not showing up on the people profiles correctly. The transaction information is all still available under the Finance--> Transactions and all the transactions have been connected to people profiles and were functioning correctly in v3.4.

I know that the new profile design has filters on the contributions page (which is an awesome functionality!) and I have adjusted these filters and should be seeing transactions that are seen in the Finance tab. 

I am attaching a screenshot that shows the person profile Contributions section, and this is what I am getting for most profiles. However for some profiles there are only older transactions appearing in the people profile, for example transactions from 2014 are appearing in my personal profile, but no other transactions are. I did not see anyone else make a comment about this in the forums and I am perplexed as to why these transactions are showing up in the Finance tab and yet not the person profile page.

Thanks for any help that can be offered! - KentScreen Shot 2016-02-01 at 7.33.04 PM.png

  • Michael Garrison

    We have not seen missing data in the new "Summary of contributions" area on our own installation- is that what you're referring to? The Transaction List itself is cut off in the screenshot you provided- is it also empty (despite transactions being credited to this person's profile, visible in the Finance->Transactions page)?

  • Kent Shilts

    On our people profiles the personal contributions summary and transaction list is empty, despite transactions credited to the person's profile which are seen the Finance--->Contributions page.

  • David Turner

    Kent, double-check the filter setting on the Transaction List on person profile. Also verify that the transactions that you see in the Finance > Transactions page have a transaction type of "Contribution".

  • Kent Shilts

    Investigating further I found that transactions of a specific type are appearing on people profiles, however the bulk of our transactions have been placed under transaction type that we created in addition to the Rock out the box giving types.
    From looking at the demo site I see that the Transaction types are maybe intended to only be either contribution or event payments. We had modified our transaction types to include a differentiation of giving that comes from people in our church congregation and those outside.
    With the new update if I create new Transaction Types at General Settings--->Defined Types there is no option to link this to contributions and transactions that are created with this type are not showing up in the person profile. Is my reasoning correct here, or am I missing something?

  • Photo of Jim Michael


    Kent, I think you can fix this by editing the Transaction List block on the contributions page:

    1. Go to a Person Detail page, then click Contributions

    2. Now use the Admin toolbar to show the blocks on this page

    3. Click on the Transaction List block and the little gear to edit its properties.

    4. WIthin the block settings you can choose which Transaction Types to show in the list.

    • Kent Shilts

      Thank You, Jim Michael! Much appreciated, now that block functions the way I was thinking it should, I hope this answer will help others out as well. - Kent