
Photo of Troy Christy


Jobs not running automatically

Hey Guys, 

We are in the beginning stages of our Rock implementation, and we seem to be running into the problem of none of the jobs want to run automatically.  We can seem to run them manually when we press the "play" button in the Jobs Administration, but for some reason, even though the Chron expression is there and is correct.  Is there another setting I am missing to begin running all of the Jobs correctly and automatically? 

  • Photo of Jim Michael



    Are you sure your job pulse is running and keeping the site "alive"? By default jobs run in IIS and if the job pulse is failing and not really hitting /KeepAlie.aspx regularly/correctly your jobs can fail to run.

    There are instructions in the docs on setting up jobs to run as a Windows Service instead of within IIS for a more robust solution, and I've discovered some failure modes (and fixes) when running the job pulse ein IIS, but I'll wait for a response before giving more details. 

    Oh, and you need to make sure you edit the job and make it active, otherwise it won't run automatically.