
Photo of Chris McGrath


Person Attribute & Field Icons on Event Registration

Hi everyone! Is there a way to add icons to Person Attributes and Fields so that the icon shows up next to that input field on all event registrations that ask for it?  I saw that there is an Icon CSS class field on Person Attribute but when I set it I didn't see the icon show up on the registration page.

Also, I see that there are icons showing up for email and phone, which are person fields. Is there anywhere I can edit those fields and change the icons?


  • Photo of Chris McGrath


    Got it, thanks. Since our events are set up by other (non-technical) staff it isn't really feasible, but it's not a crucial feature, just wondering if it was possible.

    So out of curiosity, what is the CSS icon class for on those person attributes then? Where do they get used?

    • Jim Michael

      The attribute icons are currently only used in special places like Social Media attributes (icon shows below person photo when these are populated).

  • Photo of Jim Michael


    To my knowledge the attribute icons are not exposed automatically on a registration form, as you've discovered. However, you should be able to do this manually on each event template by using the "pre text" (or post text if necessary) functionality that allows you to surround any form field with the HTML or styling of your choice. It's definitely more work than automatic, but since it's at the templatelevel at least you only need to do it once per type of event. Would that meet your needs?