
Photo of Debi Otto


user groups and security roles

 Thank you for your help.  Just got our sandbox and looking for assistance in determining various user groups and security roles.  Has anyone created any documentation on the sequence to attach roles to users? options of users you have set up and their security roles allowed?  How do I set up permissions to some users can only view and others can edit?

SO many thanks!  I really don't want to reinvent the wheel.



  • Hock_Hin Lee

    Hi Debi,
    After so many years, have you managed to setup roles so that some users can only view (and not able to update the contents of the data fields shown)?

  • Photo of Jim Michael


    Hi Debi-

    I answered in the other thread you started and asked for more info, but maybe you didn't see that? Anyway, security/roles is a big topic so you'll probably need to get more specific before we can answer such a general question. At the 50,000ft view, you basically just need to 1. Create a role (or modify an existing role) 2. Secure the various parts of Rock (pages/blocks/groups/etc) to that role. You can assign view, edit, or administrate rights to a role anywhere you see the little lock icon in Rock (when logged in as an administrator.) The trick when doing things like limiting the default staff role is finding every place to make the change. Rock also has the concept of "inheritance" with security, meaning you can assign rights (for example) on a parent page and all of the pages and blocks beneath that will inherit the same rights, unless you override them with explicit rights.

    To ask more specific questions in real time you might consider joining the Rock Slack channel here which would allow you/us to communicate real time.

    Finally, I would suggest you definitely read the Person and Family Field Manual and Admin Hero Guide  at if you haven't already. That would give you a good start.

  • Photo of Debi Otto


    Thank you Jim.  It's step 2 that I am struggling with.  I'll read the family manual and see if that fills in some gaps.  I've read the admin guide and understand the concept but trying to figure out how to do it :)  I'll also try the slack channel

    • Jim Michael

      If you have a specific example of what you're getting stuck on, we'll be happy to help you figure it out, but since Rock comes out of the box with pretty reasonable security (staff role, finance role, etc) it's hard to know where you're getting stuck ;-)

  • Photo of Debi Otto


    Possible for me to call you Jim?  

    I've identified roles that each staff member should have.  BUT, where/how do I tie  whether then can view only or edit or ??? Is this where Security editor comes in?

    When I go there, I see allow and deny by various roles, but not how to attach it to a person or user group?

    How do I set up a user group such as - Small group leaders?

    I'm sure part of it is tied to definitions of parent page, pages, blocks, etc.

    Can you tell I'm not an IT person?  :)

    Thank you!

    Say, is this the "live chat" area you mentioned or do I need to go somewhere else?

    • Jim Michael

      Unfortunately I don't have the bandwidth to call people directly.. we're all just volunteers here hanging out trying to help each other, not "paid support" ;-) This is not the real-time chat I was referring to above... for that you need to go here and set up a Slack account, after which you can log into the Rock slack team and chat away. There are lots of people hanging out there that can help you.

  • Photo of Frank Franklin


    I had been trying to find out certain things in Rock RMS. I had been researching for Free and Open source Church Management Systems when I can across Rock RMS. Rock RMS seems to be a fantastic software for a church but I have some questions before diving into using it. Some of the questions are: 1. Is it really a free and open source software? 2. Can it be rebranded? I mean can things like Rock's logos and some other things and designs that are not related to to the church be removed or changed? For example, I was going through the Rock demo here and I saw things like "Crafted by the Spark Development Network / License" at the buttom of the page after loggin in. I also saw "Powered by: Rock RMS" here Please can these be removed since they are not related to the church as it would be better replacing it with designs related to church? Where and how can these be removed or changed? Is there any guide or manual for rebranding Rock RMS? 3. Very Importantly, can the main Rock RMS Admin create a new user and assign an admin role to that user? I mean, can there be more than one Admin for Rock RMS? Also, can the second admin be restricted to certain areas of the Rock RMS? I mean can the second admin be allowed to only have access to areas like "Intranet", "People", "Finance", and "Tools" only? So can the second admin be denied access to the "Admin Tools"? Why I am also asking this is because if the second admin have access to the "Admin Tool", he/she might mess up the system by entering areas like "General Settings" under "Admin Tools". What am saying is that if the person doesnt know how Rock RMS really works, they might mess up the whole Rock system if the happen to gain access to "Admin Tools" area. I hope you understand what am talking about? If you dont want someone to access a partical area, I think its necessary not giving that person access to that area. Also, if the second admin is given access to, for example, the "Finance" area, can they be only allowed to acces the "Functions" area under "Finance" and disallowed to access the "Administration" area under "Finance" area? 4. With Rock RMS, can members really make online giving? I mean can members donate or give to the church online through their computers or mobile phone with their cards such as MasterCard or through PayPal or any form of online payment? 5. Can members create accounts or update their profiles on Rock by themselves where ever they are? 6. Is there any form communication system like discussion forum in Rock that members can use to communicate with each other? Or is there any messaging system in Rock that members can use to send each others messages? Can members view the profiles of other members online in Rock? 7. Please can anyone provide me with a comprehensive list of features that are available in Rock RMS. Thank you so much. Looking forward for my questions being answered.