0 Adding Pages 3 Keith Pavia posted 10 Years Ago I have added a new sub-page to an existing page, but there does not seem to be a way to get to it from the menus. I can get to it by going to child pages, but not through the normal veiw. Also, what is the best way to add a location information and a map to a location page? I thought that this was a built in feature. Thanks!
Keith Pavia 10 years ago Yeah, unfortunately I think that is related to the navigation on that page. You see how the "Connect" page has several child pages? So, when I am on any page, and I mouse over "Connect" in the TOP NAV bar, why don't I see a submenu listing ALL of those same child pages? Surely, someone has to know if that is possible. If not I'll move on ;-)
Nick Airdo 10 years ago Jim's answer is correct. If you want a sub menu on your "New Here?" page then you'll have to add the SubNav block to that page and configure it similarly (i.e., the Template block setting should be set to some appropriate Liquid syntax such as {% include 'PageSubNav' %})
Jim Michael 10 years ago Thanks for the confirm, Nick! But I think Keith is ALSO asking why the menu on the external site doesn't "drop down" showing the child menus like a typical site would... and (correct me if I'm wrong), I think it's simply because the theme used for the external site does not implement the Liquid PageNav in the same way that the Internal Site's theme does. The external site's menu is just not implemented as a drop down. Should be pretty simple to compare the _PageNav.liquid and _PageSubNav.liquid files between the Rock and Stark themes to determine how they're doing it, Keith.
Keith Pavia 10 years ago Thank you for your comment. I can add the page as a child page to the Rock Settings page as you have, and I can see it on the nav menu; however, I cannot get the page to show up on the External Website nav menu. Is it supposed to? I read the manual and did not see this info anywhere.
Keith Pavia 10 years ago Sorry... Yes I can do what you did to the main nav menu. What I did was add a new page under the "New Here?" page. Once I did that, I assumed that when I mouse over "New Here?", that a dropdown would appear with the new page.So I guess I am wondering if the main navigation bar is suppose to dynamically update with you add child/sub pages.I hope that makes more sense.