
Photo of Stephen Co


Try Rock RMS

I want to try out Rock RMS. I prefer not to download and install Rock RMS to d9 that. The demo shows only limited functionality. Do you have a hosting partner that offer free evaluation account for a limited. evaluation period?

Thanks, Stephen

  • Photo of Jim Michael


    I guess it depends on what you mean by "event is changed in the Event Calendar." Note that an event is not a calendar, they just show up on the calendar. Event Registrations themselves have various email notifications. The user can be emailed when they register (like a receipt) which can give them more details about the event than you put in the description they saw online. Events can also send "reminder" emails on a date you choose prior to the start of the event. Think of an event that's been open for registration for a couple months and you want to send a reminder about it the week before it starts... again this can contain additional info, etc. Finally, there are Event Payment reminders that can be sent (manually or automatically) for events with payment and the user still owes part of the amount.

    Beyond that, you would be emailing registrants manually from either the Registrants (the people who are attending the event) grid, or from the assciated group (if there is one) the registrants are placed in... usually you have an event associated with a group when you need check-in for it, as check-in happens via a group, not an event. There is also a "group placement" function that lets you manually put registrants into groups... think Youth camp and cabin assignments (groups) or similar. The gist here is that you are emailing details/changes/info about the event just by using the registrants and/org associated groups grid(s). Rock doesn't "automatically" notify people about "changes" because it doesn't know what those changes are ;-) It takes a human to communicate these things.

    If you haven't already, I suggest you read this guide It explains how events work much better than I have!

  • Photo of Jim Michael


    I'm not aware of a free hosting site that has rock set up...  but I'm curious what you're finding lacking in the demo site? It's a fully functional Rock server (ok, email is disabled) that you can configure however you please, at least until it's reset (weekly.) Are you wanting more of a "personal" Rock instance you can play with? 

  • Photo of Stephen Co


    JIm, thanks for the answer. Good to know demo is a full functional Rock. I was trying to figure out how notification work when a event is changed in the Event Calendar? And if notification is sent, how does the respective member (say a Group was created with 3 members) that is associated with the event got notified?  Thanks, Stephen