
Photo of Kara Piazza


Transfering Data

We are currently using CCB, is it possible to transfer the data from CCB to Rock without doing each family/individual manually? We also use Planning Center for our volunteers and check-in, can we integrate our info from there to Rock as well without doing each account individually?

  • Photo of Jim Michael


    There is no specific CCB import in Rock, but if you can get your data into CSV format, there's a tool called Excavator that will import CSV formatted data into Rock. If you want specifics of Excavator and how to make it work (it can be finicky) your best bet is to join the Rock Slack and and join the #migration channel to ask about it.

    Regarding PCO, there is a plug-in for purchase in the Rock Shop (Rock's app store) that syncs PCO person data to Rock, but it won't really help you migrate things like check-in data. You will likely want to keep using PCO for volunteer scheduling, anyway, as Rock currently doesn't do that.

  • Photo of Jeremy Hoff


    Although this is a very old thread, there is a tool as of v14 that helps import data from other systems. It's quite flexible. Check out the docs here:

    I hope that helps,