
Photo of Simon C


Custom Search Services

I was wondering how to add a new Search Service (ie. the search field at the top of Rock).

At the moment there's:

  • Person Name
  • Person Phone
  • Person Email
  • Person Address
  • Group Name
  • Business Name

I have a custom person attribute, Member ID, that I also need to search by. eg. I type 64 and it shows me the person associated with Member ID 64.

Is this something that is easy to implement? I couldn't find any info in the docs on how to do this, unfortunately.


  • Photo of Jim Michael


    This is a pretty advanced topic and the only documentation I'm aware of for this is here 

    Beyond that I suggest you joint the Rock Slack at and ask in the #develop channel. 

  • Photo of Simon C


    It's a shame that the github page has minimal information. If even a sample bit of code existed, I might have stood a chance at creating my own! :)

    I'll ask on the #develop channel. Thanks, Jim!