
Photo of Jeremy Turgeon


Refund Entire Registration

Is it possible to issue a refund for everyone in a specific registration?

  • Photo of Jon Edmiston


    You can get the the Refund from the registration screen. Does take a few clicks though...


    • Jim Michael

      Actually it's even easier than that... click the Payments tab, click a row, click Refund ;-) The person doing this of course does need rights to the financial transactions, so maybe that's why you're not seeing it, Jeremy?

  • Photo of Jim Michael


    I've never heard of the capability. The Refund button is only exposed on an individual payment, so I'm guessing "no."

    • Jeremy Turgeon

      That's what I figured. Unfortunately, we have an entire camp trip that got cancelled so now the finance people need to track down each charge and individually refund them.

    • Jim Michael

      Just to clarify... not sure what you meant by "track down" or if it was just an expression, but all of the payments are pretty clear within the event registration, but yes you do have to refund each individually. Just adding that for future passers-by ;-)

    • Jeremy Turgeon

      The charges can be seen in a registration but as far as I know, you can't issue a refund from there. So tracking down payments and refunding them is very difficult.