
Photo of Mattie Bryant


How much help?

Hello All,

It really seems like we will need an IT person to possibly help us set up ROCK RMS, but do you think we'll need an IT person on staff or just someone to help us get set up? We want to use it on the back end (database) and front end (website, directory, check-ins, registrations, small groups). For those of you who have an IT person, what have they done in ROCK for you and for those of you who don't (and set it up on your own) what have you been able to implement or what advice do you have? I'd appreciate your opinions. Thank you!

  • Photo of Jim Michael


    My opinion: you don't necessarily need an "IT person" to run Rock, once it's set up. But you DO need a "Rock champion", which is a person who at least knows how all of Rocks parts works, can deal with technical concepts, and can be the "go to" person in your org about Rock. Without that person/team you will likely flounder and become frustrated. 

    If you don't have IT staff then you definitely don't want to host Rock locally. Doing so would likely mean the server it runs on doesn't get patched or upgraded properly, or backed up properly (if st all), etc... which is not good for your church database.  So you'll want to cloud host. But even then, you likely don't want to just have someone help set up your cloud server and walk away. You'd be much better served by going with a Rock partner to manage all of the technical aspects of actually running Rock so all you're concerned with is using it.