
Photo of Aaron Hackett


Prayer Requests On Profile

Is there a way to show a persons prayer quests on their respective profile? That way when I look up a persons profile I could also see there prayer requests at a quick glance, without having to go to the prayer requests section. 

I added the block bellow the timeline, but it shows all prayer requests. I'd like to use lava or something like that to filter out all requests accept for the current person being viewed. 

Any help would be appreciated. 


  • Photo of Jess Pummel


    We put a dynamic data block somewhere on the person profile page. This is the code for the query section: 

    {% assign personid = PageParameter.PersonId %}

    SELECT [EnteredDateTime], [FirstName], [LastName], [Text] AS Request

    FROM [PrayerRequest]

    WHERE [RequestedByPersonAliasId] IN (

       SELECT [ID] AS PersonAliasID FROM [PersonAlias]

       WHERE [PersonId] = ( SELECT [Id]

       FROM [Person] WHERE [Id] = {{ personid }}) )

    ORDER BY [EnteredDateTime] DESC;

  • Photo of Daniel Hazelbaker


    I do not believe so, at least not currently. I think you could possibly get it to work with the Prayer Requests Lava block and use Lava to filter based on the requester, but I couldn't get it to show more than 19 of the most recent requests no matter what I did in the filter.

    • Aaron Hackett

      The lava filter is exactly what I'm wanting. We are a small church of only 40..ish people. So the last 19 would be fine until a better idea comes along. Can you post how you did the lava filter. Still pretty new to lava.

    • Daniel Hazelbaker

      The problem is it is only passing to the Lava the past 19 prayer requests. So if there have been 19 prayer requests since this person had a prayer request it won't show up at all. But, either way because only the past 19 prayer requests were showing up I couldn't even start on actually doing the filter in Lava. Many of our prayer requests come in anonymously so I had no way to filter on those, and none of the 19 recent ones were tied to a person for us :(

  • Photo of Jon Edmiston


    FYI... we did adjust the prayer blocks to work on the profile page for v7.