
Photo of Amber Cross


Cannot get to the localhost path to install the start.aspx file

Hi!  I am stuck in the install process.  I have signed up for WinHost, and I am using Filezilla to transfer the install file to my site.  It says it the file has been transferred, and it is listed under my remote site in filezilla, but I can't figure out how to get to it to move forward. The instructions say to: Open up a web browser and go to http://localhost/Start.aspx to begin the installation process.  I cannot find this...I have opened a web browser and entered everything imaginable for "localhost", my domain name, my FTP username, my FTP, the path to root, but it will not lead me to the installation.  Can anyone help?  What should I be entering to get to this start.aspx file?


  • Photo of Jim Michael


    This mode instructions for localhost are assuming your are running the browser ON the web server. If you don't have access to a windows desktop on the server that won't be possible. Your new "site" should have a Hostname associated with it. It's this name you need to use in the URL... like 

    Do you know you're servers hostname?

  • Photo of Amber Cross


    I am sorry to say I don't know. LOL!! I am working on a Windows computer, and I am logged into the winhost website using Firefox. I have tried typing a variety of things into a new browser...sometimes I get a pop up that asks for my username and password. The closest I have come was entering the ftp address and I get this to open: 

    "If you are seeing this on in your browser it means one of a few things: + You are not running on a Windows server. Rock requires a Windows hosting platform running IIS 7+ and ASP.Net 4.5.1. For more information be sure to read our hosting guides. + Your Windows server is not configured to run ASP.Net. Please see our guides to help you walk though the configuration of ASP.Net. + The Internet has crashed. Better take the day off while it gets rebooted."

    I am not a computer programmer at all...I have a Master's in Technology Integration, so I am usually pretty fast with computers, but this has me totally stumped.  LOL! I see things like "Web Server", "server name", "secondary web URL", "Path to Root", "FTP", "Secondary FTP".  I don't know how to open a browser on the web server.  

    I appreciate your help!!  I have Googled and Googled and I am ready to give up!

  • Photo of Michael Garrison


    Amber, did you sign up for a domain name when you signed up for Winhost? Or perhaps did you tell Winhost what address you want your new website (Rock) to use - a domain you already own?

    Of the fields you mention, "server name" and "secondary web url" seem the most likely to contain what you need - could you tell us what those read? And possibly the Web Server field as well.

    I could be wrong but I don't believe that Winhost gives you remote login access to the server, so you won't be able to open a browser on the server like you could if you were self-hosting, for instance.

  • Photo of Amber Cross


    Hi Michael!  I signed up for a domain and used these instructions to point the domain to winhost: This information should be used when updating your domain's name server entries to point to Winhost. Name Servers: [] [] []

    Here is the ftp info:

    server name: w24


    Secondary ftp:


  • Photo of Amber Cross


  • Photo of Kevin Shaffer


    Edit with Answer: My issue was I needed to create a web.config file and drop it in the same dir as the start.aspx file. I was super new to this and took a little bit to figure out. I am posting incase anyone seraches the same error I had.

    1. Create a web.config file.

    2. I entered this exactly as is.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    <trust level="Full" />

    3. Save and upload to the same folder or dir as the start.aspx file.

    4. Step 4 is only if you are not installing the ROCK in the root. I Used a sub dir so I needed to tell winhost where the application starting point is. Open winhost site manager and select "Application starting point" enter the sub dir and you should be all set.