0 Arrange Podcast Page 1 Aaron Hackett posted 7 Years Ago Does anyone know how I can move these items around a bit? Wanting to move the audio player bellow the text.
Aaron Hackett 7 years ago Thank You! Took me a bit of hunting.But found that the .Lava file was under the theme Assets folder. Not the Assets folder that is located in Root. Once I found that everything else worked great. I added an Audio Embed to the content channel, included that into the podcast message detail lava file, and all is good.Thank You for the help. It's much appreciated.
Nick Airdo 7 years ago And, for future reference, you shouldn't need to hunt for it. Just check the block's settings/configuration. In there you'll see the Lava: {% include ‘~~/Assets/Lava/PodcastSeriesDetail.lava‘ %} -- and the "~~" tells you it's referencing the file from the site's theme and not the site's app root (which would use a single "~").