
Photo of Justin Van Vuuren


Email signature missing

Hi there,

How can I put a signature in an email template?

I've tried adding it but when an email is received, the signature is missing.



  • Photo of Jim Michael


    Can you post what your signature looks like, and where you're adding it? Normally this would go in the default template (or any other templates you want to use it in). I'm pretty sure there's already a default signature that looks like

    {{ Communication.MediumData.FromName }}

    {{ Communication.MediumData.FromAddress }}

    Which just merges the From Name and From Address on the email you're creating. Perhaps you're using invalid Lava on yours?

  • Photo of Justin Van Vuuren


    I'm using an image for a signature. Could that be the problem? Is there support for images to be signatures?
    • Jim Michael

      You can use an image, sure... though it wouldn't be personalized to the person sending the email. How you implement the image is another matter... it needs to be inserted into the template as a link to the image, with a full path to you Rock server that the public can get to, eg or whatever. It sounds like you might be embedding an image that people ourside of your network don't have access to.