
Photo of Darryl Williams


Demographic Metrics

Is there a way to use Metrics to report on the demographic breakdown of our congregation?  I am trying to create a dashboard for our Elders that would contain things such as percent of members vs visitors vs regular attendees, breakdown by age, etc.  Can the metrics function be used for this type of reporting/dashboard creation.  Thanks!

  • Photo of Daniel Hazelbaker


    It can, yes. The easiest way would probably be to setup a couple DataViews that give you that information (i.e. one data view for how many members you have; one data view for how many visitors; one data view for age 0-18, etc.) and then setup the Metric's to populate from those DataViews.

    However, if you don't care about the historical data, then you can skip the metrics part and just use some dynamic data blocks or such to display the counts. What I mean is, if in 3 years you are not going to want to look at the metric data and say "so back in August 2017, what was our percentage of members to regular attenders" then you don't need to store the data in metrics.  We opted to not store in metrics because the historicalness of the data wasn't that important, we just have a "right now" dashboard that displays that type of data.

  • Photo of Darryl Williams


    Got it!  Thanks!