
Photo of Owen Scott


How to I get Rock Installed if my church website is hosted by Squarespace?

Hey there, brand new and just heard about Rock and figured I would give it a go. Downloaded the file and saw that I need access to my server, but that is hosted by Squarespace so I am unsure how to start installing Rock. Thanks for any help :)

  • Photo of Jim Michael


    Rock is an enterprise application that can only run on a Windows + MS SQL server, so there's no way it will work on your existing Squarespace host. There are many Windows hosts out there which you can learn about in the various guides here A popular option is Azure, as 501c3s get $5000/yer free Azure credits, which is great for running Rock. That said, if you're just kicking the tires you might just check out the demo site at  It's a great way to see Rock without installing anything.

  • Photo of Michael Garrison


    Also note, there's no reason you can't keep your SquareSpace site as your public website, and simply install Rock on a separate server. You'll need to set up a different DNS address for your Rock server though; many people keeping a separate public website use
    as their internal Rock address, and
    as the address for Rock's "external site" (which you may want to use for registrations, contributions, photo requests, DISC tests, etc).