
Photo of Bronson Witting


Getting Campus via SQL (in a workflow)

I'm trying to set a Campus attribute in a workflow to the campus that is set on a Person's record (to assign the workflow to the approprate group based on campus).  I have accomplished this successfully with a Run SQL workflow action.  Here's My SQL:


DECLARE @PersonAliasGuid uniqueidentifier = '{{ Workflow.Person_unformatted }}'

JOIN dbo.[Group] ON (
    dbo.GroupMember.GroupId = dbo.[Group].Id
JOIN [Person] ON (
    dbo.GroupMember.PersonId = dbo.Person.Id
JOIN dbo.[Campus] ON (
    dbo.[Group].CampusId = dbo.Campus.Id
JOIN dbo.PersonAlias ON (
    dbo.Person.Guid = dbo.PersonAlias.AliasPersonGuid
    dbo.[Group].GroupTypeId = 10
AND dbo.PersonAlias.Guid = @PersonAliasGuid;


Here is the example in the Working with Workflows documentation: 

DECLARE @PersonAliasGuid uniqueidentifier = '{{ Workflow.Requester_unformatted }}'
SELECT [Gender] 
FROM [Person]
WHERE [Guid] = @PersonAliasGuid


My example is working, but I wanted to make sure I'm doing this correctly.  The example is trying to select the Alias GUID from the Person table, but that doesn't exist - I had to join the PersonAlias table to get this to work.  Also, I used the GroupTypeId of 10 for the "Family" group type.  Is this type always ID 10, or should I be deriving a person's campus another way?  If anyone can help me wrap my head around this more, I'd be greatful.  Thanks! 


  • Photo of Rock RMS


    Bronson, awesome work! Not only have you figured out SQL in workflows but you found an error in the documentation too!  We updated the docs to reflect the link from [Person] to [PersonAlias]. Couple of other thoughts:

    • Using the [GroupTypeId] = 10 is OK, but it would be better to join to the [GroupType] table and then filter on [Guid] = '790E3215-3B10-442B-AF69-616C0DCB998E'. That is the safest way. You can garantee that in your database it will always be 10, but if you share the workflow with someone it could be different. I wrote this additional link in the SQL below.
    • Since it is possible for a person to be in two families your  SELECT could return two rows. I also added a TOP 1 to the updated SQL below. This is unlikely to occur, but it's a good practice.
    • Looks like your workflow was using a text field to store the campus in. That works well, but note you could also use a 'Campus' attribute type. If you do your SQL should return the [Guid] of the campus to set it's value. This is totally optional, but I thought I'd mention it. The SQL below returns the [Guid].

    Looks like you're on the right track. 

        TOP 1 c.[Guid]
        [GroupMember] gm
    	INNER JOIN [Group] g ON gm.[GroupId] = g.[Id]
    	INNER JOIN [Person] p ON gm.[PersonId] = p.[Id]
    	INNER JOIN dbo.[Campus] c ON g.[CampusId] = c.[Id]
    	INNER JOIN dbo.PersonAlias pa ON p.[Guid] = pa.[AliasPersonGuid]
    	INNER JOIN dbo.GroupType gt ON g.[GroupTypeId] = gt.[Id]
        gt.[Guid] = '790E3215-3B10-442B-AF69-616C0DCB998E'
    	AND pa.[Guid] = @PersonAliasGuid;
  • Photo of Bronson Witting


    Great, thanks so much for the feedback!!