
Photo of Patric Lee


As an admin, how do I view the list of events that a person has attended?


We are planning to use the Event and Instances as part of an ongoing class with different topics each session. How can I, as an Admin view the list of events that an individual person has attended? This would help us determine which classes a certain individual has attended.

Thank you!

  • Photo of Jim Michael


    There are a couple of ways to approach this. 1. If the people will be actually checking-in to the event (using the check-in system), then you can see these attendances in their history on the person page. 2. A more common approach is to take the event attendees and bulk-update them to a Person Attribute after the event (usually a date attribute) that represents the class. You can then create a iconic badge that pulls from this attribute to give you a quick visual confirmation of the person's status (the built-in Baptism badge works in this exact way). Each class can have a different attribute/badge, or you can create a single badge that combines multiple attributes and shows where they are in the process, etc. The possibilities are vast... you just have to decide which direction you want to go.

  • Photo of Patric Lee


    Wow cool! Thank you for the very quick response! I'll try out your suggestion. Once again, thank you!

  • Photo of Jim Michael


    This is somewhat advanced (for a new Rock admin), but if you want to go down the "one badge to represent a whole process" route, here's how to do it.

    At my church, we have a short list of core classes/events you should go through (we call them "Vision Venues"), and prefer to represent them as separate icons. The choice is all yours.
