Photo of Christopher Georges


Family ID

I want to be able to allow for family id search for check-ins. The only thing is what if someone forget what it is? I can't seem to find it anywhere. I could have missed it but could you please direct me as to where to locate the families id? This would help greatly. Thanks

  • Photo of David Stevens


    I'd recommend using an Attribute to track that field if you want to use it for check-in.  There is a Family Id in Rock, but if people records are merged or the family splits then that "Family Id" will change.   One way to find the Family Id is to go to Edit Family, then look at the number in the URL:

    Screenshot 2018-02-21 08.50.14.png

    You can type that FamilyId number in the GroupViewer page URL to double-check:

    Screenshot 2018-02-21 08.50.30.png