
Photo of Rainelle Ellerbe


Attended Check In Error

When I go to the check in app/page and search for a person. the Search result come up and I click the appropriate person. After I click the person and click next the page just keep loading. And I get an error email. I'm not sure what's happening. What should I do?

Screen Shot 2018-02-22 at 12.01.06 PM.png

 Screen Shot 2018-02-22 at 11.32.42 AM.png

  • Photo of David Stevens


    Hi Rainelle!  That error points to a field that's not filled out in the Attended Check-in workflow.  That's a known issue with the plugin and hopefully will be updated soon.  In the meantime, can you double-check the Attended Check-in workflow configuration for these sections?  From Admin Tools > General Settings > Workflow Configuration > Check-in > Attended Check-in:

    Activity Search > Select by Multiple Attended
    - "Person Special Needs Attribute" should be set to "Has Special Needs"

    Activity Search > Select by Best Fit
    - "Person Special Needs Attribute" should be set to "Has Special Needs"
    - "Group Special Needs Attribute" should be set to "Has Special Needs"

    • Rainelle Ellerbe

      Thank you! Do you know if I can enable for the search to search by first name and show results. Currently if I put a persons first name is says there is no one in the system, but if I put their last name they show up

  • Photo of Karen Fritsch


    Thank you for posting this! We ran into an error (System.NullReferenceException, Object reference not set to an instance of an object) when testing Attended Checkin on V7 and I was able to resolve the issue by following the steps listed above!!

  • Photo of Kye "K" Chung


    @Rainelle Try typing a comma first and then the first name (i.e. ,Rainelle). @David I don't see in the Groups Special Needs Attribute an option for "Has Special Needs"